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for piano and electronics

Title of the work:  Inoltre.
Composer: Javier Torres Maldonado.
Instrument and electronics: for piano and electroacoustic support (4 channels or stereo).
Duration: 8'38".
Publisher: Edizioni Suvini Zerboni - Milano (for more information please send an e-mail to my publisher).
Technical requirements: LINK (pdf).
Year of composition: 2017. 
Commission: Festival Electr()cution, Brest, France.
Dedicatee: Vincent Leterme.
World premiere: Vincent Leterme (piano), Camille Juglaris -CIRM, Nice- (electronics), Centre Culturelle "Pasarelle", Festival Electr()cution (IV edition), Brest, France, 2 performances: 29 and 30.03.2017 (Electr()spatial & Electr()ladies.)
Program note: link or download (rtf format).
Press: ESZ News No. 72, "Continuity, condensation"; "Compte-rendu, festivals. BREST, festival Electr()cution. Ensemble Sillages. Le 29 mars 2017": link or pdf.
Concert program: LINK (pdf)
Radio broadcast: Radio France - France Musique, "Le concert du soir" by Arnaud Merlin, download (pdf) or listen to the entire concert (France Musique web site).
Demo score: available for download.
Score (only with authorization).


program note

«Inoltre for piano and 4-channel electronics was written partly in 2010 and then completed in 2017. Conceived as a study of the condensation of sonic objects derived from different automatic orchestrations, the starting material is a fragment of a sample of a tam tam rubbed with a super-ball; this is the same sonic object that formed the basis of two of my previous compositions: the radio drama Un posible día (2011) for soprano, narrator, 10 instruments and electronics, and Sidereus Nuncius (2009), for three percussionists, dancers and interactive electro-acoustic system. The definition of this sonic object (that first just 0.144 seconds) was a long but fruitful operation: from this starting point I was able to derive a series of automatic orchestration solutions through Orchidée (computer-assisted orchestration programe developed at Ircam) which immediately revealed the possibilities, but also the limits, of this tool. Although these materials were in themselves fascinating, being derived from a genuine microcosm, they couldn't be used in their raw state in a work for piano and electronics or solo piano; and thanks to a multidimensional consideration of these possibilities I looked for compositional solutions that would allow them to be condensed, contracted or expanded so that they could enter or become integrated in both the piano as well as the electronics part, while keeping their affinity with the original sonic object».

From "Continuity, condensation", ESZ News Magazine No. 72, Milan, 02/2017.
Read the complete article.

Press review:
«Classique News»

Compte-rendu, festivals. BREST, festival Electr()cution. Ensemble Sillages. Le 29 mars 2017. Electr()ladies...

Les Fées électricité

(Only in French)
Dans cette ère ou finalement le génie féminin commence à être reconnu à sa juste valeur, le premier concert du Festival Électrocution 2017 (ce 29 mars 2017) a été consacré à 4 visions féminines de la création contemporaine et de la musique électroacoustique. Seul bémol à ce programme : une présence non féminine mais tout autant formidable, le compositeur Mexicain Javier Torres Maldonado. Nous saluons Sillages par son engagement dans la découverte de compositeurs et compositrices qui souvent sont exclues des programmes traditionnels des grandes formations.
INOLTRE, de Javier Torres Maldonado, pour piano et électronique nous amène dans le monde profondément lyrique du compositeur Mexicain. C’est un questionnement jovial et intrinsèque de ces voix profondes qui délimitent le subconscient. Nous saluons la performance de Vincent Leterme, précis, impressionnant de justesse et d’expressivité dans chaque phrase.

Complete article: link or pdf.

© 17.05.2017, Pedro Octavio Díaz, CLASSIQUE NEWS, Paris.


Email: tmjavier[at]  

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