CD published by the prestigious Spanish SIBILA, ART, MUSIC AND LITERATURE magazine, No. 54, May 2018.
Sidereus Nuncius (2009), for percussions (3 players), dancers and electro-acoustic interactive system.
Performers: Yi-Ping Yang, Ricardo Gallardo and Raul Tudon (percussions), Max Bruckert (Sound engineer, GRAME, Centro Nacional de Creación de Lyon, Francia). Live Recording: Festival Internacional Cervantino, Teatro Juárez, Guanajuato, Mexico, 23.10.2009.
© Columna Música, Revista Sibila.
The publication includes the article SIDEREUS NUNCIUS: EL MENSAJERO SIDERAL, by Javier Torres Maldonado, and the poetic texts SIDEREUS NUNCIUS: textos de la obra y más allá... (Extractos), by José Manuel Recillas.
Javier Torres Maldonado, «Sidereus Nuncius: el Mensajero Sideral», Sibila 54, Seville, 2018, 52-55.