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Sidereus Nuncius

for percussions (3 players), dancers and electro-acoustic interactive system

Title of the work:  Sidereus Nuncius.
Composer: Javier Torres Maldonado.
Duration: 50'.
Instrumentation details: Timp. I - 32", II - 29", III - 23", V - 20", 3 Tibetan sing. bowls (high, medium) and the largest possible), 3 Jav. or Thai gongs (high, medium, large), 3 spring coils, 2 Bass-drums, 3 pairs of Maracas, 4 cymbals on the timpani: Timp. I (32"): cymb. 20", Timp. II (29"): cymb. 18", Timp. III (26"): cymb. 16", Timp. V (20"): cymb. 14"; 3 susp. cymbs., 2 Vibrphns, 2 Windchmes., 2 bamboo-chmes., Trngl. (large),1 fngr. cmbls., sistro, 2 tam-tams, 2 mrmbas., 3 berimbaus. Instruments hanging on the ceiling (behind the public): wood-chms, bamboo chms, maracas, and any other instrument that its timbre can be associated to wood or produced by the percussion of seeds in its body. 
Techinical rider: download HERE (pdf).
Publisher: Edizioni Suvini Zerboni - Milano (for more information please send an e-mail to my publisher).
Year of composition: 2009.
Commission: Festival Musica y Escena, Festival Internacional Cervantino and GRAME (Lyon).
Lyric texts: José Manuel Recillas.
World premiere:  05.09.2009, Festival Musica y Escena, Sala Miguel Covarrubias, Mexico City. Percussions: Yi-Ping Yang, Ricardo Gallardo and Raul Tudon. Choreography: Claudia Lavista and Victor Manuel Ruiz.
Delfos Danza. Max Bruckert, sound engineer. Video: Mario Villa. 
Demo score.
Score (only with authorization.)

CD Sidereus Nuncius


CD published with the prestigious Spanish SIBILA, ART, MUSIC AND LITERATURE magazine, No. 54, May 2018. 


Sidereus Nuncius (2009), for percussions (3 players), dancers and electro-acoustic interactive system.
Performers: Yi-Ping Yang, Ricardo Gallardo and Raul Tudon (percussions), Max Bruckert (Sound engineer, GRAME, Centro Nacional de Creación de Lyon, Francia). Live Recording: Festival Internacional Cervantino, Teatro Juárez, Guanajuato, Mexico, 23.10.2009.
© Columna Música, Revista Sibila.

The publication includes the article SIDEREUS NUNCIUS: EL MENSAJERO SIDERAL, by Javier Torres Maldonado, and the poetic texts SIDEREUS NUNCIUS: textos de la obra y más allá... (Extractos), by José Manuel Recillas.

Sidereus Nuncius

Ah, nobilissima Stella! (duration: ca. 25')

1. Introduccion
2. Pulcherrimum atque visu iucundissimum est, lunare corpus / Bellissi- ma cosa e mirabilmente piacevole, vedere il corpo della luna.
3. Quod tandem in causa fuit, ut ad rationes inquirendas / E questo fu causa che io mi volgessi tutto a cercar le ragioni.
4. Triplo enim viciniora, nonuplo vero maiora apparebant, quam dum sola naturali acie spectarentur / Tre volte più vicini e nove volte più grandi di quanto non si vedano a occhio nudo.
5. Circulos binos aut quadrata bina chartacea contornabit / Tracci il contorno di due circoli o due quadrati di carta 6. Oculus inspicientis esto e / L’occhio di colui che guarda sia e 

E primamente vidi... (duration: ca. 25')

1. Verum, non modo tenebrarum et luminis / Veramente non solo i confi- ni tra luce e tenebre
2. Alteram nempe clariorem, obscuriorem alteram / più chiara l’una, più scura l’altra
3. Macula ante secundam quadraturam nigrioribus / Questa macchia medesima si vede, avanti la seconda quadratura
4. Enim adscititios accidentalesque a Stellis fulgores adimit / Toglie alle stelle gli splendori acquisiti e accidentali
5. Unum quoque oblivioni minime tradam / E voglio anche ricordare un’altra cosa

World premiere (video-recording), First part, scenes 1 and 2:
World premiere (video-recording), First part, scenes 3 and 4:
World premiere (video-recording), First part, scenes 4 and 5:

Fragment of the article "Javier Torres Maldonado, Metaphores in Sound"

Reflection on proportions and asymmetries in chamber music and an ambitious multimedia project.

"The second new work presented this Autumn is Sidereus Nuncius for percussion (three players), dancers, interactive electroacoustic system and video. The work was given its first performance on September 5 and 6 (2009) in the Sala Miguel Covarrubias of the City of Mexico during the Festival Internacional Musica y Escena, to be repeated on October 23 and 24 at the Teatro Juárez in Guanajuato, Mexico, during the Festival Internacional Cervantino. The complex production features the scenography of Claudia Lavista and Víctor Manuel Ruiz, the scenery and costumes of Eloise Kazan, a text by José Manuel Recillas, video by Mario Villa, the dance company Delfos, the percussionists YiPing Yang, Ricardo Gallardo, Raul Tudon and Max Bruckert, and the sound direction of GRAME (Centre National de Création Musicale de Lyon). Jointly commissioned by the Festival Internacional Musica y Escena, the Festival Internacional Cervantino and GRAME in Lyon, and conceived by Javier Torres Maldonado and by the poet and essayist José Manuel Recillas, Sidereus Nuncius is a multidisciplinary work that includes music, dance, spectacle, poetry, video and electroacoustic transformations, that was born to coincide with the celebrations for the 300 years since the invention of the telescope by Galileo Galilei. The title comes from the essay in which Galileo spoke of his first discoveries made with the aid of this instrument. The composition by Torres Maldonado offers a contemporary interpretation of the work of Galileo, conceived more as a lyrical document than as a fundamental scientific communication. Based on authentic virtuality, audio illusions generated as a result of our perception of certain sound phenomena, the deformation of timbre obtained through sonic accelerations of the sounds in space, the extreme contraction and expansion of sounds, as well as on the use of space as a structural parameter in music and the relation between time and memory, the work could be interpreted as an artistic metaphor that oscillates between the borders of science and art. From this work the composer has taken Ah, nobilissima stella! (concert version A of Sidereus Nuncius) for percussion (at least 3 players) and interactive electroacoustic system, which will be performed on November 17 at the Rendez-vous Internationaux de la Timbale, during the Journées GRAME in Lyon, played by the Orchestre de percussions du Conservatoire de Lyon, with Yi-Ping Yang on percussion and Max Bruckert as sound engineer. " 

©Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 2009, Milan, ESZ News Magazine, October 2009, page 10. Read the complete article in English or in Italian.

Press articles (pdf format):

  • LA JORNADA - CULTURA - 29.10.09, Proponen “una lectura crítica” contra el mal uso de la tecnología: LINK.
  • EL INFORMADOR - 23.11.2009. Presenta Canal 22 Siderius nuncius, homenaje a Galileo Galilei: LINK.
  • APOLORAMA MAGAZINE - 21.07.2009, Festival Internacional Música Y Escena - XI Edición: LINK.
  • CANAL 22 (TV CHANNEL) - 01.10.2018, Presenta Canal 22 Siderius nuncius, homenaje a Galileo Galilei: LINK.
  • PRESIDENCIA DE LA REPÚBLICA MEXICANA - 22.10.2009, "Sidereus Nuncius: El mensajero sideral", se presentará en el FIC: LINK.


23 and 24.10.2009, Festival Internacional Cervantino, Teatro Juarez, Guanajuato, Mexico. Percussions: Yi-Ping Yang, Ricardo Gallardo and Raul Tudon. 
Delfos Danza. 
Max Bruckert, sound engineer. Choreography: Claudia Lavista and Victor Manuel Ruiz.
 Video: Mario Villa. 


Email: tmjavier[at]  

Other links:

Spotify profile 
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