
for accordion and ensemble (five instruments: flute, clarinet, violin, viola and cello)

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Title of the work: Intermitencias.
Composer: Javier Torres Maldonado.
Year of composition: 2009.
Duration: 12 minutes.
Publisher: Edizioni Suvini Zerboni - Milano (for a free copy of the score please contact me or send an e-mail to my publisher).
Year of composition: 2009. 
First world performance: Pascal Contet (accordion), Ensemble 2e2m, Salon del Consejo Universitario, Festival Internacional Cervantino, Guanajuato, Mexico, 25.10.2009. 
Score (only with authorizatin)


Email: tmjavier[at]  

Other links:

Spotify profile 
Schott Music 
Apple Music

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